Annual General Meeting 2005 - Agenda
- Date: Friday 16th September 2005
- Venue: CNR in Rome
- Time: 18.00
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting (14 December 2004)
- Matters Arising
- Annual Report of the Management Committee
- Financial Statement and Audited Accounts
- Proposed changes to the constitution
- Elections of Officers to the Management Committee for next term. Nominations Received by 25 August 2005:
- Chair: Armin Schmidt
- Vice-Chair: Chris Gaffney
- Conference Secretary: Ivan Kuzma
- Conference Vice-Secretary: Salvatore Piro
- Honorary Secretary:
- Joerg Fassbinder
- Tomasz Herbich
- Editor:
- Louise Martin
- Immo Trinks
- Next AGM
- Any other Business