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Annual general Meetings
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Meetings and conferences
Virtual Lecture Series 2020/21
International Conferences on Archaeological Prospection (ICAP)
06 December 2022: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
19 February 2021: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Virtual.
04 December 2018: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
06 December 2016: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
02 December 2014: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
04 December 2012: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
15 December 2010: NSGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London. (with Abstract Booklet (8MB))
16 December 2008: EIGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
19 December 2006: EIGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
15 December 2004: EIGG Day Meeting "Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics", Burlington House, London.
1&2 December 2006: From Artefacts to Anomalies: Papers inspired by the contribution of Arnold Aspinall, University of Bradford