- IASP News, the newsletter of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection.
- ISAP Fund 2022: call for Open Grants is open
- Contributions in honour of Albert Hesse
- 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 28 March - 1 April 2023, Kiel (Germany), including ISAP bursaries.
- EAC Guidelines for the use of Geophysics in Archaeology: Questions to Ask and Points to Consider.
- Subscriptions to the journal Archaeological Prospection are available at greatly reduced rate for members of the Society - see Membership Benefits
- Membership application form (for new members)
- Membership renewal form (for existing members to pay their membership fee on 1 January)
- The Society was established on 13 September 2003 at the 5th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Cracow, Poland