Annual General Meeting 2020 - Agenda
Date: Wednesday 9 December 2020
Time: 17:00-18:30 GMT (i.e. UK time)
Venue: Virtual
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (31 August 2019)
Matters Arising
ISAP Fund: Open Call [was introduced, see report of ManCom]
Ordinary Members [six were co-opted]
New membership fees [has not led to a decrease in membership]
Members to write for ISAPNews [could be improved, discussion below]
Proofreading service [policy document and email list were set up; should be used more]
State on web page that ICAP abstract books are peer reviewed [added]
Financial Statement
Annual Report of the Management Committee
ISAP Fund: recent funding rounds
Online events organised/facilitated
ISAPNews now three issues per year
ArchaeoLandscapes International and EAA ‘Archaeological Prospection Community’
Questions to the Membership
Should the quorum for virtual AGMs also be 10%? And be calculated based on the paid members from the last membership year?
Encourage more contributions from members
Guest editors for special issues (e.g. regional, thematic)
Should older issues be made freely available?
Should resources be spent to create DOI-tagged articles?
Next AGM
ICAP Lyon 2021, probably 10 Setpt 2021
Any other Business