2010 NSGG Meeting and ISAP-AGM

ISAP's Annual General Meeting for 2010 will be held on 15 December 2010 in London, just after the NSGG day-meeting on Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics. The venue is Burlington House, Piccadilly, London.

For the geophysics day meeting ISAP is sponsoring student bursaries and a poster prize!

If you wish to attend either of the December day meetings, please download the registration form as Word rtf document. This can be filled out electronically. Click in the appropriate tick boxes with a mouse and then use the tab or arrow keys to navigate between shaded boxes. Alternatively, print the document and complete it by hand.

The completed form should be signed and sent together with a cheque by 30th November 2010 to
Louise Martin
English Heritage
Fort Cumberland
Eastney, Portsmouth, PO4 9LD
(email address on the form)