2014 NSGG Meeting and ISAP-AGM
ISAP's Annual General Meeting for 2014 was held on 2 December 2014 in London, just after the NSGG day-meeting on Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics. The venue was Burlington House, Piccadilly, London.
- 2 Dec 2014 Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London (see local copy of flyer and abstract book).
- 2 Dec 2014 ISAP Annual General Meeting (non-electing), ca. 17:35-19:00, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
For the geophysics day meeting ISAP sponsored nine early-career bursaries and a poster prize!
A snapshot of the conference website as of 9 the December 2014:
The Near Surface Geophysics Group (NSGG) is pleased to announce its eleventh biennial meeting devoted to archaeological geophysics offering a forum to present and debate the results of recent research and case studies. Equipment and software suppliers also attend so it will be a valuable opportunity for archaeological and geophysical practitioners to exchange information about recent developments. We are once again collaborating with the International Society for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP) who will be offering a prize for the best poster and bursaries for ISAP students presenting at the meeting as well as holding their AGM at the end of the day. For more information and notes for presenters download this document and the Geological Society website.
An updated programme of presentations is now available.
Presentation abstracts - Both low (7Mb) and higher (15Mb) resolution PDF versions are now also available for download
Convenor: Paul Linford, English Heritage, Fort Cumberland, Eastney, Portsmouth, PO4 9LD, UK; Tel.: +44 (0)23 9285 6749; Fax.: +44 (0)23 9285 6701, email: Paul.Linford@english-heritage.org.uk
3rd December 2014: Forensic Geoscience: Future Horizons
This multidisciplinary meeting will capture shared interests between the geological, environmental science, forensic science, geophysics, engineering, geotechnical, mining and archaeological communities in assessing the future of forensic geoscience. Sessions will include quality assurance in forensic geoscience; geoforensic applications in serious crime and terrorism investigations; techniques at crime scenes; environmental crime; and the issues of interpretation of geological forensic evidence. For more information and notes for presenters see: http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/FGG-Forensic-Geoscience
A provisional programme of presentations is now available.
Convenor: Dr Ruth Morgan, UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences, 35 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 3062, email: ruth.morgan@ucl.ac.uk
It is anticipated that each meeting will attract 100 or more participants. As well as oral presentations, there will be space for commercial and poster displays. Those interested in contributing to either meeting are warmly encouraged to contact the respective convenors, and to submit abstracts of up to 1000 words in length, accompanied by suitable illustrative material, no later than the 26th September 2014.
In a change from previous years, a sandwich lunch will be provided for all delegates as well as the usual copy of the abstracts booklet. Due to the administration involved, you can now only register and pay for one or both events on the day. Registration fees are: