2021 NSGG One-Day Online Conference: Recent Advances in Archaeological Geophysics
The event was held on Friday 19th February 2021 – hosted online by University of Leeds, School of Earth and Environment on behalf of NSGG and in cooperation with ISAP. Video recordings of individual presentations are available on the ISAP YouTube Channel.
Session 1
1. Stephen Kay (British School at Rome)
Vespasian’s baths? Geophysical prospection at the site of Terme di Cotilia, Lazio (Italy)
https://youtu.be/aN16AGvNYf02. Duncan Hale (Archaeological Services, Durham University)
Presenting interpretations of complex datasets: examples of recent magnetometer surveys in the Nene Valley, UK
https://youtu.be/AyQ_WfIKxHI3. Bulletin: John Oswin (Bath and Counties Archaeological Society)
Looking under church floors
https://youtu.be/P0JqRWAP6kg4. MichaĆ Pisz (Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw) Magnetic investigations at the Treblinka II extermination camp
https://youtu.be/U-SO83tzLr8 -
Session 2
1. Veli Voipio (Aalto University)
Tilted GPR beam in the ground
https://youtu.be/IlESwRuwjac2. Adam Booth (University of Leeds)
Lockdown lessons for drone-based GPR: simulations using a (badly) homemade drone
https://youtu.be/f2VI97V1Y3A3. Bulletin: Matt Guy (Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd)
The NSGG Leicester test sites4. Ed Burton (Magnitude Surveys)
Innovation and the Prosumer Revolution
https://youtu.be/rJJcZJyCNxA5. Mandana Parsi (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)
Looking beneath Yeha (Ethiopia) with 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
https://youtu.be/tZ8-Z6GH8wU -
Session 3
1. Jonathan Fowler (Saint Mary’s University)
Is this the church of St-Charles-des-Mines?2. Bulletin: Blair Schneider (Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas)
Geophysical Survey of Site 14LV425, Leavenworth County, Kansas3. Itzayana Bernal (Faculty of Engineering, Autonomous University of Mexico)
Looking for historical graves at the San Ildefonso Cathedral
Abstracts are available as a pdf document.
The following conference announcement was copied from the Conference Website in February 2021.
Virtual Event: Recent Advances in Archaeological Geophysics 2021
A 1-day online event from the Near Surface Geophysics Group of the Geological Society.
Venue: Online ‘Collaborate’ session, University of Leeds
19th February 2021
- Adam Booth – School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds; email: a.d.booth@leeds.ac.uk
- Paul Linford – Historic England, Fort Cumberland, Eastney, Portsmouth
The Near Surface Geophysics Group (NSGG) of the Geological Society of London is pleased to announce that the 14th biennial “Recent Advances in Archaeological Geophysics” meeting will be held as an online event. With the COVID-19 situation limiting options for physical meetings, we are eager to bring the community together by virtual means.
Near surface geophysical techniques have become increasingly established in archaeological research and evaluation over the past decade, and are now routinely applied in archaeological investigations. This meeting offers a virtual forum where UK and international contributors can present and discuss the results of recent research and case studies.
Registration is free but required, in order to access the link to the virtual forum. Please use the link below to register your interest, enter your details and submit an abstract. The capacity of the event is 250 delegates, so register early to avoid disappointment! For enquiries, please contact Dr Adam Booth (a.d.booth@leeds.ac.uk).