ISAP Student Bursaries and Poster Prizes 2009

1) ISAP Student Bursaries 2009

The bursaries are intended to to assist students who are members of the ISAP, who have had contributions accepted for formal presentation at the 8th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection in Paris, September 2009 (poster or oral presentation) and need help towards the cost of attending the event. There is no restriction as to country of residence. There will be a number of bursaries offered at Euros 200 per award.

Download the application form with further details

Application deadline: 31 July 2009

2) ISAP Poster Prizes 2009

Prizes will be awarded for the conference's best three posters. These awards are open to all posters presented and the award will go to the respective first authors.

The award prize is a one-year subscription to Archaeological Prospection at the ISAP rate Winners who are not yet members of ISAP hence have to become members to pick up the price. Current journal subscribers will be offered a book token for the equivalent amount.