ISAP Bursaries and Poster Prize 2015

1) ISAP Young Professionals Bursaries 2015

The bursaries are intended to to assist students and young professionals who are members of ISAP to attend the 11th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection in Warsaw, September 2015.

ISAP will award no more than 4 (four) bursaries of a value of 200 EUR each. Applicants have to make a clear case on the application form why they should receive this support from ISAP ("I want money" is not enough!). There is no restriction as to country of residence.

Application closing date is 1 August 2015.

Download the application form, fill in and email to the chairman.

2) ISAP Poster Prize 2015

A prize will be awarded for the conference's best poster, amounting to 50 EUR. The award is open to all posters presented and the award will go to the respective first author.

The selection of the prize winner will be made by the attendees of the conference, similar to the NSGG meeting in London, 2014.