Arnold Aspinall - a gentleman and a scholar

I was sorry to hear of Arnold's death but I am so glad to have met him. My first real contact with him was on Pat Philip's excavations in Provence in 1975 where Arnold undertook the prospection - mostly by dowsing. Despite the heat he always seemed interested in what we had to say and what we did; he never let on that we might be tiresome, ignorant and not the witty folk we thought we were. He created no barriers or distance in status or knowledge and he was just so generous with his own knowledge and experience. I was a student at Bradford in 1977-78 where his classes were inspiring both by what he taught and how he taught. He seemed never to need a mark of rank to obtain our attention. I always felt that he consciously refused to see my failure to understand the physics as evidence of stupidity and instead assumed I was just sharing in his own joy of the puzzles within resistivity. I then met him only occasionally as the years passed but he met me by name each time and was always pleased to hear about me. I count myself very privileged to have met him.

Rod McCullagh
(Historic Scotland)