From Artefacts to Anomalies: Papers inspired by the contribution of Arnold Aspinall
University of Bradford, 1&2 December 2006
Friday 1st Dec
18.30 Wine Reception; Gallery II, Chesham Building; Entry opposite Sports Centre entrance
19.30 Conference Dinner; Richmond Building, F Floor
- Master of Ceremonies: Prof Mark Pollard
- Guest Speaker 1: Prof John Hunter
- Guest Speaker 2: Dr Keith Manchester
Saturday 2nd Dec
9:30 Registration / Coffee
- 10:00 Carl Heron & Mark Pollard: Arnold Aspinall, Neutron Activation and Archaeological Science
- 10:20 Armin Schmidt: Water tanks, magnetic coils and other wired/weird things - Geophysics at Bradford (figures)
- 10:40 Steve Dockrill & Julie Bond: Inheriting the Earth: Prehistoric soil management in North Atlantic Britain
11:00 Coffee
- 11:30 Peter Addyman: Early days at Bradford/York
- 11:50 Rosemary Cramp: From Glass to Geophysics in Northern Britain
- 12:10 Andrew David: Wider perspectives on geophysics in the UK
12:30 Lunch
- 2:00 Paul Spoerry: The Bigger Picture: provenance analysis, regional synthesis and medieval pottery
- 2:20 Roger Walker: Geophysical Instrumentation in Bradford - Past and Present
- 2:40 Tim Sutherland: Battlefield Archaeology (figures)
3:00 Tea
- 3:30 Yasushi Nishimura & Albert Hesse: Archaeological Geophysics: the international dimension
- 3:50 Chris & Vince Gaffney: No further territorial demands: on the importance of scale and visualisation within archaeological remote sensing
- 4:10 John Gater: "It's only Geofizz" (figures)
Wine reception at end of day