ISAPNews 26
Published 02/2011
- Editor's Note by Robert Fry
- A Happy New Year from the IFA GeoSIG by Jimmy Adcock & Peter Barker (GeoSIG Committee)
- Surveying Prehistoric Scandinavian Boathouses and Graves: An example from Central Norway by Arne Anderson Stamnes
- The role of Archaeological Prospection in the Portus Project (Italy) by Stephen Kay et. al
- NSGG Day Meeting on Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics 2010 by Paul Linford
- Review of the 9th Biennial NSGG Conference by Chrys Harris & Michael Puntorno
- The new Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology by Immo Trinks
- Conference, Seminar and Course Announcements
- Bursaries
- Journal Notification