Marion Scheiblecker
Ordinary Member
since 1 Nov 2021

Marion Scheiblecker is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology and at the Geophysics section within the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at LMU Munich. She is additionally part of the project "The unexplored Heartland: Institutional Landscapes and Networks in Eastern Fars“ and the ERC-project "DiverseNile“, also based at LMU Munich.
After her Bachelor degree in Archaeological Sciences 2013 at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg she finished her Masters degree in Near Eastern Archaeology in 2016 at LMU Munich. During her Masters degree she was involved in her first magnetic survey in Iraq which led ultimately to her doctoral studies combining archaeology and geophysical prospecting, while attending lectures and courses in geophysics. Since 2014, she has conducted geophysical surveys across several projects and sites, in Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania), the Near East (Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, Oman, Lebanon, Georgia, Azerbaijan) and North Africa (Tunisia, Sudan).
She is also involved in teaching at the archaeological and the geophysical institutes at LMU Munich and is part of the COST Action SAGA.