Michal Pisz


since 10 Sep 2021

I am currently a PhD Student at the Chair for Hydrogeology and Geophysics at Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw. My adventure with archaeological prospection and archaeo-geophysics has begun back in 2009, during my BA degree (Archaeology). Since then my research activity was always related to archaeological prospection, mostly on Roman sites. This passion helped me to conduct my first big research project in the hinterland of Tibiscum Roman fort in Western Romania. My MA Thesis (Departament of Roman Provinces, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) concerned the outcome of these studies.

I have been a member of ISAP since 2011 and am a frequent attender of ISAP events. Besides the research on Roman sites in the Balkans (Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania) I took part and conducted many research projects in Poland, also concerning surveying in woodlands.

Currently I am running a research project aiming at a better comprehension of geophysical responses in varied subsurface conditions. "Understanding the Anomaly" is not only the name of the project, but also the scientific goal of my PhD Thesis. Large scale, high resolution surveys with motorized, multi-channel systems are something I want to do in my life.

Based on my own experience, I believe that networking is one of the best ways to develop and I wish to keep our ISAP community growing and be more active.