The passing of a great friend

It was with great sadness that I heard of the the death of Yasushi Nishimura. When, in 2005, ISAP bestowed Honorary Membership for the first time, Yasushi's name was agreed without any disagreement. He was the perfect ambassador for our discipline. In ISAP NEWS I wrote: 'Up until his recent retirement from the Nara National Cultural Properties Research Institute, Dr Nishimura was the only national government employee responsible for directing research activities related to developing the field of archaeological prospection in Japan. His interests are well illustrated by his numerous international and domestic publications, which are largely dedicated to research in archaeological prospection. Dr Nishimura has been an excellent ambassador for our discipline, working all over the world with academics and practitioners from a host of countries. Notable surveys include Angor Wat in Cambodia, Wroxeter in England, the Villa of Traianos and the Forum Novum in Italy. He has overseen and directed several university projects to produce new geophysical equipment which are dedicated solely to the purpose of archaeology, including continuous wave radar and a vector component magnetometer. Somehow during this intensive work load he cofounded the Japanese Society for Archaeological Prospection and has served as President of the organization since its inception. Dr Nishimura is currently working for the Asian Cooperation Center which is a branch of UNESCO in Nara Japan, where he is responsible for introducing and teaching archaeology and human history to students from across all the countries in Asia. Dr Nishimura has always been too modest when discussing his contribution to our subject. In typical fashion he responded to the nomination ‘I believe that if I am to deserve such a nomination, that it has only come with the assistance and support of many colleagues and friends, and for this I am very thankful’.' I think it is fair to say that all who met Yasushi will remember his modesty when discussing his achievements, as well as his generosity of time to those who were starting off on the prospecting journey. I first meet him some time in the late 1980s; I was a postgraduate student and he visited Arnold Aspinall's laboratory where I was studying. We had a great time - we set up experiments in the laboratory and went out on survey to collect field data. He was always immaculately dressed and even the 'boiler suit' that he then wore for any kind of work (field or lab) was pristine. I doubt if he thought that of my attire, but he would never have commented about my dress sense! He was always the diplomat and the politest person I have ever met. We also shared a drink or two during his stay and I will always think of those happy times. I shall raise a glass to a friend, a kindred spirit for our discipline and a loyal member of ISAP.

Chris Gaffney
(University of Bradford)
Rome - ICAP 2005
Rome - ICAP 2005
Bradford - ICAP 2017
Bradford - ICAP 2017
Bradford - ICAP 2017
Yasushi with long time friend and colleague, Dean Goodman