Important Note
Due to problems with the web server the online subscription is currently not functional. If you would like to become a new member, please send an email with your contact details to for further instructions.The annual membership fee for individual members is currently £10 (British Pound Sterling - GBP) or 11 Euro. It is due on the 1st of January. The membership fee covers a single calendar year. Please make sure that the Society receives the full amount and that no bank charges are deducted. Cheques can only be accepted from British banks. If you make a bank transfer please instruct your bank that all charges will be borne by you. Please start the 'subject line' of the bank transfer with your name, as often only the first few characters are transmitted to the Society's bank. Account details can be requested from .
e-mail List
One of your membership benefits is the subscription to the e-mail list "isap-all". If you do not wish to be added to this list please send a request to (see also the Society's Privacy Policy).
Application Form
Please fill in the form with your personal details, select a payment method, make yourself a copy for your own records and submit the form to the Society by clicking the 'submit' button at the bottom. You will then be presented with details for your selected payment method. Your membership will start after the membership fee has been received in full.