Thoughts on Arnold

Ever since I started on the Archaeological Sciences degree course back in 1979 I have counted Arnold Aspinall as the benchmark for how to behave as a professional and gentleman. He was a pioneer as an archaeological scientist, an inspiration as a teacher and a mentor to the generations following in his footsteps. Personally I owe him for my career in archaeology for without his guidance and patience I would never have made the transition from Arts A-Level student to graduate in Archaeological Sciences. Even 30 years since I graduated I still apply on a daily basis the scientific principles Arnold instilled in me and which have served me well. Many will write about his academic achievements, which are beyond doubt, but on a more personal level I will always remember Arnold as a kind man, who always had time when I needed it, and for whom nothing was ever too much trouble. He will be missed.

Ian Barnes
(Head of Archaeology, National Trust)