Virtual Lecture Series 2020/21
An online lecture series is being organised by ISAP member Kris Lockyear (
The format is:
Meetings with either
- one long (ca. 45 min) presentation (plus questions), or
- two medium (20-25 minute) presentations (plus questions), or
a series of quick-fire presentations. These would be either
- "look what I found" with some nice results, or
- "the problem of equifinality" or "when things went wrong". This would be intended to be an entertaining expose of those forehead-slapping moments we have all been involved in.
- The meetings are held at early evening time for the UK (approximately 6.30pm) so that the times would also work in Continental Europe and in the Americas.
- Tickets are free but need to be booked via Eventbrite.
- The meetings are hosted using the Combined Hertfordshire Archaeological Societies' Virtual Seminar account.
- The talks are advertised widely using Social Media and are also open to non-ISAP members.
- The meetings are relatively informal, and no extended abstract etc. are needed (or provided).
If you would like to offer a talk, please send an email to with (a) a title (b) selection of duration (see above) and (c) how soon you would be prepared to present.
Meetings so far:
21 December 2020
- A multiperiod site at Little Hadham, Hertfordshire, UK (Kris Lockyear)
- Prospecting an 18th century executioner's place near Nijmegen, NL (Joep Orbons)
- A New “Great Circle” in Southern Ohio, USA: Magnetic Gradiometry, Aerial Imagery, and LiDAR (Jarrod Burks, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc.)
27 January 2021
- Geophysical Surveys at the Middle Grant Creek Site, a 17th century Native American village in northern Illinois, USA: New data with an old instrument (Mark Schurr)
- A Magnetometry Survey of Port Meadow aerodrome, UK (Roger Ainslie)
- Integration of GPR and magnetics to map ancient burial mounds in northern Australia (Lawrence Conyers)